On February 11th 2017, in the “Courtyard Marriott” “conference “Democratic School and Critical Media Literacy” took plac…

On November 12 and 13 a two-day training on "Theoretical Aspects and Practical Lessons of Media Literacy" for school tea…

Civic Development Institute conducted educational conference “Critical Media Literacy - 2016” on February 20, 2016 at …

2015 წლის 15 დეკემბერს სამოქალაქო განვითარების ინსტიტუტის პარტნიორი იტალიური სკოლა ,,ცისკარის“ მასწავლებელმა ინგა თეთრაძ…

On 10th November, 2015, Civic Development Institute representatives hold a meeting with Kutaisi N14 public school teache…